17 September 2008

Coming out of retirement

I think it's been like 12 years since my last post. I can't seem to get the hang of this process. I have lots to say, just ask the wife. But cannot seem to discipline myself to sit down and put the proverbial pen to paper.
Lots of stuff going on these days. New house. New schools for the girls. I'll try to do better in the near future.
Michele and I are heading to Acapulco, Mexico for a belated 15-year anniversary trip. We'll be there with friends from our church. Can't beat a free condo and free airfare (air miles).
Also taking on a slightly different role at work in that I will be working exclusively with Nokia as of 1/1/09. I'll be part of a global Nokia team at L10NBRIDGE. It should be interesting. I will be working with some LIOX folks that I have know for several years, so I will have some knowledge of the new team.
That's all for now.

29 October 2007

Church SPL sampling

Contact Style Attendance Peak Avg
Jim Michael Contemporary 900 106 95
John C Lewis Traditional 800 103 93
Mike Urich Contemporary 102 95
David Cherry Contemporary 5000 100 92
Scott Petherbridge Contemporary 75 100 93
Gary Pinckert Contemporary 1000 100 95
Philip Fish Contemporary 900 100 95
James Millard Contemporary 1000 100
Doug Bennight Contemporary 700 98 88
Andrew Kerr Contemporary 320 96 92
Jimmy Moore Contemporary 6000 95 80
David Neal 95 88
Gord Millar Contemporary 95 90
Doug Watkins Contemporary 60 95 90
Peter Campbell Contemporary 95 90
Karl Freudenreich Contemporary 200 95 90
Rick Kohrs Traditional 350 95 90
Jim Weiveris Contemporary 400 95 90
Brian Huber Blended 95
Gif Sander Contemporary 1100 95
Frank Dewitt 93 88
Jeff Cook Contemporary 475 92 85
Tony Orchard Contemporary 200 92 88
Ashley Webber Contemporary 300 92 89
Randy Goldman Contemporary 225 92
Andrew Delivron Traditional 90 85
Dan Bureman Blended 750 90 85
Russell Frame Contemporary 250 90 87
Robby Wright Blended 100 90 87
Ed Andrade Contemporary 120 88 80
Jonathon Gandy Blended 400 85 78
Kevin King 60 85
Kirk Longhofer Traditional 95
Raul Ybarra Traditional 150
Average levels 95 88

16 June 2007

Happy Father's Day (again)

In true slacker fashion, I am resorting to sending Father's Day greetings again via the miracle of the internet. Seems I have a nasty habit of forgetting to buy cards for these sorts of occasions. But hey, I am saving a tree somewhere in the world by taking this route.

Anyway, here is an early Father's (Dad's) Day greeting to one Wesley Harvey Green, affectionately known as Whitey back in the hood. Speaking of the hood, my parents visited recently and we took a short trip to San Antonio and back over Memorial Day weekend. On the way back, we stopped in Copperas Cove, near Ft. Hood, where we lived while Dad was stationed there from 1968-1970.

I have heard many stories in the ensuing years about this place, but had not been back since we pulled up out stakes and high-tailed it back to L.A. in 1970. Dad has always insisted that the place was one of the nicer rental properties available at the time. They paid the princely sum of $75/month in rent, including utilities back then. The place has gone downhill a bit since then (as you can see above), but it was still nice to roll through and see it.

From these most meager beginnings, I have progressed to a most blessed life. Most of the credit goes to my folks. We never lived terribly high on the hog, but were never lacking for anything that mattered. Dad sacrificed a lot and worked his tail off to provide for us. Now as he approaches retirement age, I hope he takes some time to savor all that he has accomplished and that we, his children, have accomplished through his efforts.

Thanks Dad!

05 May 2007

A new start

I started a new job this week with a company called Lionbridge (www.lionbridge.com). It is the world's largest translation company, and also provides technical writing and software testing services to some of the largest corporations in the world. Clients include Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Nokia, Texas Instruments, etc.
I am really excited about the opportunity. I will be an account manager with Lionbridge and get to work with some of my former Nokia colleagues.
Highlights are no more travel to Europe (at least not that I know of) and I get to work from home about 95% of the time. The girls are all happy about this arrangement, although they may grow tired of me pretty quick and decide to take jobs outside the home themselves at some point! : )

28 June 2006

On the road again

In Finland again this week. Should be the last business trip until some time in August. Since the end of January, I have made 3 trips to Finland, 1 to Asia, 1 to San Diego and 1 to Las Vegas. Getting really burned out. It used to be "cool" to travel a lot, but now, it's become a real grind. Too many sleepless nights followed by blurred days in meetings where I cannot seem to recall anything that was discussed even 10 minutes ago.
I am casually seeking some other roles that might require less travel. There are some options, but nothing I would classify as promising yet. Really want to stay with the User Guidance group, but if there are no alternatives, I may resort to looking outside the nurturing biosphere of Nokia . . . : (

21 June 2006

Single parenthood

Am taking care of Nicole this week while Michele is away at church camp with Chelseay. So far, it has gone amazingly well. Nicole had her first "I want my mommy" meltdown this morning, but got over it fairly quickly. We spent a few hours at the water park yesterday (http://www.hawaiianfalls.com/colony.htm) and had a really good time. Took a nice nap afterward and watched the Mavs lose game 6 to the Heat. Today, she is with Nana and Papa and they will be swimming and dining at McDonalds. Not sure who is getting to do more, her or Chelseay. Only two more days until mommy gets home!

18 June 2006

Happy Dad's Day

It's Father's Day. All over America, millions of cards are being exchanged with the familiar "Happy Father's Day" theme emblazoned on them. Today, I am offering a slight modification to this message.
The man that raised me, supported me, loved me and influenced my life for the last 38 years is not my biological father. He's much more -- he's my "Dad".
Any guy with functioning plumbing can be a "father." Being a Dad takes so much more I think. With two girls of "my own", it seems almost ingrained in me to love and care for them. It's easy. Much easier than loving on someone else's kids.
Not many guys are capable of raising someone else's biological child as if they were his own. But my Dad did. I never felt for a minute that I wasn't his son. His nickname for me growing up was "Champ."
Hopefully my words today convey who the real champ was, and is. Thanks Dad.

16 June 2006

My trip to Asia

Had the pleasure of traveling to Singapore and Beijing recently for work. Learned a lot from my Nokia colleagues there, as well as a few things more cultural. Highlight of my trip was the last day when I traveled to the Great Wall. Cannot recall the exact name for the area/section that I visited. It was spectacula, beautiful, awesome -- add an adjective and I am sure it will apply. Here are a couple of my favorite shots from the trip. If you have the chance, go!

Now we're getting somewhere

I am gradually getting the hang of this tool. Not terribly user-friendly, but definitely workable. There are probably better tools out there that are a bit more WYSIWG, but they may not be free like this one.
If by some odd chance, someone happens to fly by here, please feel free to make some suggestions for additional content or blog topics. Right now, it appears I am only blogging to hear the sound of my own keys clacking.

Saying goodbye to a colleague

My friend Michael Edwards is leaving Nokia after today. He got caught up in a ridiculous reduction in force (in Dallas) and his slot was moved back to Finland. This will be a trememdous loss to our global User Guidance group. I just hate it when great people lose their jobs due to ignorant management decisions. So long Mikey, we will miss your boundless enthusiasm, talent and contagious laugh!

Somebody loves me!

My friend Patrick has become the first to add a link to my blog from his. If I reciprocate, does that mean we'll be hurled into some sort of endless feedback loop? Hope not, because he eats too many Chipotle burritos with the HOT! sauce. Well, here goes nothing! http://tenfive.blogspot.com

15 June 2006

Holy cow, it worked!

So I am now officially a blogger. Don't expect anything like what Mark Cuban is throwing down at http://www.blogmaverick.com/. But I will try to keep this thing current. And no, I won't be encouraging comments from the haters like Mark. Just keep the love flowing!